Mental Health: Discover 6 Calming Self-Care Strategies with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
October 5, 2024
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December 3, 2024Anxiety getting you down? Discover 6 Ways to Help Calm Anxiety.
Do you have a diagnosed anxiety, or are you feeling anxious or stressed? Chinese medicine, including acupuncture and Chinese herbs, may help you manage. Lifestyle changes and supportive professionals may also help – like your GP, psychologist or counsellor. The main thing to remember is that you don’t have to put up with feeling anxious. You have so many options to help you manage these strong emotions, so you can embrace life’s oppotunities with bravery and strength.
In this blog:
Anxiety can impact your whole body, including physical, thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
- Racing heart
- Hot and cold flushes
- Sensation of a tight chest
- Changes in breathing – quickened or feeling short of breath
- Difficulties with sleep
- Headaches
- Tight muscles
- Worry
- Obsessive thinking or ruminating thoughts that keep going around in your head
- Catastrophising
- Excessive fear
- Restlessness
- Tense, wound up or on edge– feeling like something bad is about to happen
- Avoiding uncomfortable situations
Other Related Problems in Chinese Medicine
Other symptoms Chinese Medicine considers when working out your specific needs include:
- A subjective feeling of heart palpitations
- Timid, shyness or lacking drive
- Easily frightened
- Sad or depressed
- Pale
- Increased anxiety before your period
- Poor memory
- More commonly middle aged
- Worse in the evenings
- Aggravated by peri-menopause or menopause
- Unable to lie or sit down
- Waking early in the morning
- Dizziness
- Loss of appetite
- Loose stools
- Night sweats
- Feeling hot in the evening
- Tinnitus
3 million Aussies are living with anxiety; it is the most common mental health condition in Australia. One in four people are likely to experience anxiety some time in their lives.
Medical View
There isn’t any known cause. Some contributing factors may increase your susceptibility:
- Past or childhood experiences including trauma
- Your current life situation
- Physical or other mental health problems
- Drugs and medication
- A close family member who has a mental health condition.
- Foods or drinks that can trigger symptoms.
Chinese Medical View
Chinese medicine also considers factors of:
- Emotional stress
- Overwork
- Your constitution
- What you eat
- Significant blood loss
Feeling anxious is very normal, and everyone feels worried sometimes. In fact, our bodies and brains use this emotion to protect us. However, it may be a good idea to talk to your doctor if:
- These feelings don’t go away
- Unknown cause, or it
- Impacts your ability to work, study, your personal relationships or your enjoyment in life
After seeing your GP, you can explore how you would like to manage your individual situation. Options include medication, psychological support, other health professionals including acupuncturists.
Medical Treatment
- Antidepressants
- Benzodiazepines
Psychological Intervention
Therapies such as:
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Behavioural Therapy
- EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing)
- Emotional Freedom Technique
- Online therapies
Chinese Medicine
A benefit of Chinese medicine is its holistic approach. Mental health can be complicated, with many contributing factors. Chinese medicine will consider all aspects of physical and emotional health and your lifestyle.
Acupuncture involves inserting sterile needles into your body at special acupuncture points. Acupuncture needles then stimulate nerves. These nerves send messages to your brain to release hormones and chemicals. These special hormones help you manage your pain, mood and how you respond to stress. Helping your body relax and release tension may help reduce your symptoms.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
A common formula – Xiao Yao San is often prescribed to help reduce symptoms of anxiousness. There are also other options, depeding on your specific circumustances and needs.
Research has investigated the use of acupuncture on an anxiety disorder. Recent research suggests that some people with a General Anxiety Disorder may benefit from acupuncture. But more quality research or larger scale studies are needed to be conclusive.
There is promising research that indicates Xiao Yao San herbal formula may reduce symptoms in some people. The herbs may taken by themselves or in combination with benzodiazepines.
Help Yourself Mange Your Symptoms
There are many things you can do to help manage your worries or feelings of anxiety:
- Learn about what anxiety is and how it affects you from reputable websites including Beyond Blue and the Black Dog Institute
- Exercise. Research in 2022, found that all kinds of physical activity could help relieve the symptoms of depression and anxiety or distress. Exercise can include cardio or playing a sport. Yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong may also reduce symptoms
- Mindfulness or meditation
Managing anxiety can feel overwhelming, but there are many options available to support you. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health condition or are feeling stressed, Chinese medicine may help ease your anxiety. Lifestyle changes, alongside seeking guidance from professionals can further enhance your well-being. There are many ways to manage your emotions and regain control over your life. Take action now!
From Chaos to Calm: Expert-approved Strategies for Anxiety Relief